Make Sure to Make an Incident Report After a Slip and Fall at a Business
If you’re injured at someone else’s business, one of the most important things you need to do is make an incident report right away. Even if it seems like your injuries are minor, you need the protection in case it turns out the consequences were more severe than you realized. An incident report is a key piece of evidence that will help you prove your case, should you need to file a personal injury claim.
Here’s why it’s so important to report slip and fall accidents in Redding, CA.
How to make an incident report
Right after your accident, you need to make a report with the owner, landlord or property manager—assuming that you are physically able to do so. If you were taken to the hospital for your injuries, you’ll need to have a friend or family member call the business as soon as possible to make the report for you. Ask to speak to the person with the highest rank on the premises.
If an accident report was made, either by the business or the police, make sure to get a copy as soon as possible. For less severe injuries, get a copy before you leave the premises. If you were hospitalized as a result of your injuries, ask the friend or family member who made the incident report to get a copy of the accident report. Never fill out a business’s forms for them, and never sign anything.
It’s important that you file an incident report right away because it may affect how a jury sees you. Juries tend to look skeptically upon anyone who waits more than a day or two to make an incident report—even if it was clearly the business’s fault, they’ll wonder why you didn’t report it sooner. That can result in a much lower damage award than you might normally have received.
If the police showed up to your accident, make sure you file a report with them as well, and get a copy of it. This is also a smart tactic if the property owner or manager is unavailable, or refuses to let you make your report there. The more evidence you have, the better.
Helpful tips
When making a report, stick to the facts of the accident and your injuries. Limit your communication with the employees and owners to avoid saying anything that could be used against you later.
If there were witnesses to your accident, try to get their contact information. If possible, get as many photos of the accident scene and your injuries as soon as you can—they may help prove your case. Take them from multiple angles and distances.
Finally, do not refuse medical treatment—opting out of medical treatment may “prove” that your injuries weren’t as serious as you claim in the personal injury suit.
For more information about slip and fall accident procedure in Redding, CA, and to discuss the specifics of your case, contact The Law Offices of Max G. Arnold, Inc. today.
Categorised in: Personal Injury Lawyer